Weird Goings-On

Friday, June 30, 2006

Greetings again, everyone! I have stayed away long enough and am back to update you on the weird goings-on that are my life. A few hours ago, as I was finishing my ham and pineapple pizza, I received an important phone call. It was work calling to inform me they had absolutely NOONE to work an 8 - 5:30 shift tomorrow. At first I felt kinda sad that I'm their LAST resort but what the hell, I'm just glad for the shift. But what I'm really happy about is that it's a kitchenhand shift. They are the best coz you don't have o worry about the stupid customers and if you make a mistake then yo don't really get in as much trouble as you would being a cashier. I am SSSSSSSSSSOOOOOOOOO excited. My birthday is in exactly 6 days and I have been getting the vibe that I'm gonna get a car. I'm not absolutly sure so I'm not gonna get too worked up and even if I am getting a car, it'll only be a small cheapo one. Anyway. I think I'll post another picture for everyone's enjoyment. I'm not sure if my friends care or not that I'm putting their pictures on the web but what the hell, I don't see them very often so if they hate me I probably would see them just as much as I'm seeing them nowadays. Which is quite sad really. . . The picture is of my friend Rhyan. He is REALLY funny. He found a cockroach at my other friend's house. This is him eating it............just kidding. He's purely posing but it is quite amusing, do you not think? Hehe. As well as being my birthday it is also my grandpa's on the same day and my dad's two days before. I don't know what to get my grandpa but I made a couple of things for my dad. Actually, I will post a picture of the photo frame.


Blogger Mrah'Sponagi said...

Eww.. you touched a cockroach?

10:25 am  

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