Weird Goings-On

Thursday, November 16, 2006

All Night Long

Hey guys

Sorry, yet again, that it's been so long since my last post. This time the excuse is my computer. It's friggin' useless and everytime I write a blog and try to post it, the server crashes. Grr! So I'm trying a new one. It's called Firefox or something. Meh.

I'm getting partied out. My god. The past couple of months I've been going out every weekend and getting SMASHED! This weekend is planned out: Fri 5pm - Meet Katie at pub; 11pm - Rhyan's place for Grad. After Party (and sleep over); Sat 5pm - Andrea's place for 20th birthday BBQ; 10pm - Clubbing til Sunday. Big plans! :D:D:D:D:D

Mum and Dad are giving up smoking. As I've sat here writing this they haven't stop yelling at me and my brother Matt. Mum's new habit is cleaning and Dad hasn't stopped eating since he got home (which mum snapped at him for).

I'm so excited. Jamie (my other bro) and I share a bathroom between our rooms and it has recently been renovated (it looks SOOOO hot)!! Our carpet got wrecked so it was ripped up in the space you walk to the bathroom and was left in our rooms. But we had that massive storm and the rain got into our rooms and wrecked the carpet in there aswell so now we're getting new carpet. It's a kind of chocolate brown colour and feels so nice on the sample. That's getting put in within the next few weeks.

I would like to say that I'm am so going to miss Tara when she goes to America. :'( She leaves on the 1st December and I am going to get drunk til I'm sick at her going-away party. She has been the greatest friend all my life. I have known her since about .......... 1st grade, i think. We have been through SSSOOO much together and life isn't going to be the same. I LOVE YOU TARA!

Spazzy Jazzy

P.S. My title isn't meant to be suss. It's Jupiters Casino ad song. I heard it and I love it lots!!


Blogger Shaddowdove said...

im a fool

7:08 pm  

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