Weird Goings-On

Monday, July 10, 2006

My Life as a Beanie Baby

Hallo my peeps. Hehe. I just called 4 people my peeps. Cool. Meh.........ignore my incoherent ramblings. So I'm just doing a QUICK post coz dinner's almost ready.

I'd just like to say sorry to Shaddowdove seeing as she didn't like the photo I posted of her. I will add better photos this time.......hehe *grins menicingly*

It was my birthday party on Saturday and I would like to take this opportunity to publicly announce that my brother is the BIGGEST ASSHOLE on the face of the Earth. I have 3 witnesses to his assholeyness and am positive they would testify in court to this statement. He completely made an idiot of me and my friends, I'm sure, were disgusted about his behaviour. Oh! And by the way, thanks goes out to Rhyan for saying he would happily smash my bro and his idiot friend (of which I HAD a HUGE crush on - not anymore) yet holding the promise he made to my sick mother around the fire. Oh, she's not terminal, just got a cold.... hehe. Made you think she was dying.... hehe.

Anyway, new topic. So my real birth day was Thursday 6th July 1988 and I was born at 2:14 AM. As for prezzies, I got .......... A CAR!!!!! My God!! Yay! It's a Mitsubishi Colt and isn't all that special but I love it coz it's MINE! Heehee!!!!

On the day of my party, my friends came over baring many presents. From Rosie, I got a.......what would you call it, drinking set? Anyway, it had a shot glass, champagne glass and bottleopener keyring, all engraved. It's so pretty (I used as soon as I could........hehe). From Andrea, I got an angel mini statue thing that's bluey/green. Really beautiful. Matty got my Moved My Cheese? A book on dealing with change in the workplace. :D Very useful. :D:D And he also gave me a bar of Lindt Mint Chocolate. favourite. And then we get to Rhyan. I saved this til last coz it was mean/funny. He gave me a lollypop which was all good but he also gave me a "Grow a Best Friend" girl who grows 600% when you leave her in water for 72 hours. Thankyou, Rhyan, for insinuating I have no friends. Hehe.

Well, Big Brother is on.!!!! And yes, I know Rosie's sitting there, reading this, expressing her loathing for the programme by banging her head against the wall. Hehe.

I will leave you with some random advice. It is very scary to jump as high as you can on a trampoline and very hard to do without falling off.

Well tata darlings

Spazzy Jazzy


Blogger Mrah'Sponagi said...

Such amazing advice, and yet.. It wasn't advice..

8:17 pm  
Blogger Shaddowdove said...

Yes jazzy there is a massive bruise on my head where i have been banging my head on the wall to show my horror and disgust. dw about ur brother, its a well known fact that all brothers are ass wipes...*thinks* wait a minute... that means that matty and rhyan are ass wipes. sorry guys i think i have to re-think my logic a bit.....

6:51 pm  

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