Weird Goings-On

Friday, June 30, 2006

Greetings again, everyone! I have stayed away long enough and am back to update you on the weird goings-on that are my life. A few hours ago, as I was finishing my ham and pineapple pizza, I received an important phone call. It was work calling to inform me they had absolutely NOONE to work an 8 - 5:30 shift tomorrow. At first I felt kinda sad that I'm their LAST resort but what the hell, I'm just glad for the shift. But what I'm really happy about is that it's a kitchenhand shift. They are the best coz you don't have o worry about the stupid customers and if you make a mistake then yo don't really get in as much trouble as you would being a cashier. I am SSSSSSSSSSOOOOOOOOO excited. My birthday is in exactly 6 days and I have been getting the vibe that I'm gonna get a car. I'm not absolutly sure so I'm not gonna get too worked up and even if I am getting a car, it'll only be a small cheapo one. Anyway. I think I'll post another picture for everyone's enjoyment. I'm not sure if my friends care or not that I'm putting their pictures on the web but what the hell, I don't see them very often so if they hate me I probably would see them just as much as I'm seeing them nowadays. Which is quite sad really. . . The picture is of my friend Rhyan. He is REALLY funny. He found a cockroach at my other friend's house. This is him eating it............just kidding. He's purely posing but it is quite amusing, do you not think? Hehe. As well as being my birthday it is also my grandpa's on the same day and my dad's two days before. I don't know what to get my grandpa but I made a couple of things for my dad. Actually, I will post a picture of the photo frame.

Saturday, June 24, 2006

Hello people! I'm back for another fun filled episode of stupidness. Thankyou to Mrah'Sponagi for the one and ONLY comment I have received. I don't know how to feel about that. I appreciate it but is there only one person that has interest in my blogs? Anyways, thankyou for your advice and I will now use it......

How was that? Hehe. I'm a pro now! Yay. Let me see, what's going on? It's my 18th brithday on 6th July and I'm so excited. I'm having my party at a tavern and it's going to be mad! Heehee!

I'm now officially on holidays and have to mind my little brother on Thursdays and Fridays. Grr.

OH!!! I was learning manual driving and had had like, 15 lessons and still wasn't getting any better. So I came home complaining and Dad said I could learn AUTO!!! YAYAYAYAYAYAYAY!

I'm thinking about quitting TAFE. I don't like the course I'm doing so I'm going to find a good job and then dropout. My Mum won't like it, but stuff her. I'm failing anyway.

I'm going to add another picture. This one is of me and my friends doing one of those old time photos. Aren't we pretty? ........I'm the loner...........hehe

So that's pretty much it. Be back soon

Spazzy Jazzy

Thursday, June 22, 2006

Happy Little Christmas Elves

Hey people! I couldn't think of a good name for this post so I put whatever randomly came into my head at the time. Does this blog go to people in other countries like Japan or China or something? If so, how do they read it?? Does it automatically translate or do they have to know how to read English? I guess it doesn't really matter coz all Asians seem to be the smartest people in the world. I mean, I learned Italian in school and a little Japanese but I'd be buggered if I remember any of it. Yet you speak to an Asian person visiting from their country and it's not hard to communicate. Hehe. I don't know why I'm talking about this topic. I don't really care as long as everyone's happy. Wow. I found a use for my title. We can all be happy little christmas elves! My god! I'm really hot. The stupid other people in my class are cold and I'm boiling. I'm pretty much outnumbered 20 to 1. That sucks. My friend isn't here today and I'm very bored. Usually she'd say something completly random then I'd laugh at her, then she would laugh at me, then I would laugh coz she looks funny(haha funny not weird funny) when she laughs so then she would laugh coz I guess I look funny when I laugh then we'd probably shut up for about 10 minutes then start all over again. *sigh* Good times, good times. Today is my second last day of my 1st TAFE semester and I'm SSSSOOOOOO glad it's over. I really loved the course I was doing at first but now I hate it. I really don't want to imagine doing this for the rest of my life let alone a couple of years. I really want to drop out and start something new or get a really job like my friend Rosie(she's doing something in a childcare centre and seems to like it a little bit), but if I do drop out, my Mum and Dad will kill me and be really disappointed. I think the only reason I wanted to do this job was to travel but I have reasoned that I can travel anyway, I just need money, which I will have, even if I just get a secretary position or something. I don't know how I'm going to do it but I think I might move out, then my parents couldn't stop me and I'd be away from their disappointed looks. Grr. Don't you ever hate your life for being so complicated? I wish I could make decisions and do what I want to do without having to worry and stress about what other people are going to think when I do it. Anyway, enough about depressing things. I'm going to add a pic that I thought was cool and would make my page look prettier. It has absolutly nothing to do with anything. YAY! Ok, so I just added it and it looks very purdy. The next time I post at home, I will add pics of me and my friends. I think I'm spent for today, I'll be back tomorrow.
Spazzy Jazzy

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Random Schmandom

Greetings people from the world of blogging. I have now come to terms with the fact that it was impossible to put off entering the strange and unfamiliar territory that is online journaling. My name is Jasmine (you may from this moment refer to me as Jazzy). I am a virgin to this ritual and would thank you not to snicker, cough, make-fun-of or put me down for whatever I may say/do/incinuate/make-up or smell like. I would like to take this opportunity to advertise for my good friend Shaddowdove. Her blogspot address is And I might add that she is a seasoned professional and is a much better blogger than me. I am really uncomfortable. I have to sit on this really annoying computer chair that doesn't fit my body shape no matter how much I adjust it. Grr. Don't you just hate being uncomfortable?!! Especially when there are people around coz you can't move around alot or they'll think you have worms. Hehe. Worms. I love the game Worms. It's so cool coz it's so STUPID!!! Heehee. You have these little wormys that have weapons of mass destruction as well as karate moves and "Super Sheep". Also, they have other weapons like Old Women. HAHAHAHA!! How silly. I haven't used her yet but what can she possibly do?? Nag you to death?? HAHAHA. So stupid, yet so satisfying. Wow. This is really cool writing about random things. And what's really great is no one can stop my awsome power of rambling *smiles maniacally* Mwah ha ha ha HA HA HA HA!!!!!! World dominace is mine (and Rosie can have Canada). :D I'm so generous. Wow. My friend is late for TAFE. What a surprise......hehe. At least she turns up. This is the first time I've been to TAFE on a Wednesday in about a month. Shhh. Don't tell, OR YOU WILL DIE!!!! Hehe. So weird. Let me see, what else?? Oh yeah! I've been taking photos of my friends whenever we go out somewhere together and now I've put them all onto a dvd slideshow thing. It's so COOL! You put songs with them and it's so Purdy!! Oh! And it's my 18th in July. YAY!!! I'm supposed be having it in a tavern but we haven't booked it yet so it's not definate. But if it goes smoothly, there should be a Jukebox, drinks from the bar and fun, fun times. I'm inviting my Nan (she LOVES her beer), my aunty (beer person also), my cousins (lollydrinks mostly), my mum (Wine-o), my dad (Turkey boy), my bestest friends (whatever they can get their hands on. Hehe. I'm joking. I think they're the only ones that are coming that are not alcos. Hehe. Which is funny coz the other people are all in my family. Which doesn't leave me with much hope. Although I am proud coz, despite what HE may say, I could've drank my friends boyfriend under the table if we had more booze at his party. Hehe. Don't get me wrong, we had PLENTY of drinks but we both could of kept going. I think we had 4 tallies of Cruiser, he had 5 UDL's, I had 3-4 West Coast, we did shots of Father O'leary's Cappucino, ummm........maybe that was it. Crap. That doesn't seem like alot now. Damn) and I'm also inviting my oldest friend, Carla. And she'll probably bring her boyfriend Colin, who I must say is the nicest boy in the world. They might even get married one day and she might let me be a bridesmaid (cross fingers). Talking about weddings, my beautiful, gorgeous cousin Matty is getting married in a couple of years and rumour is I'm set to be Maid of Honour!!! Yay! I've never been to a wedding before. Isn't that sad?! I've also never been out of the country (not even out of NSW/QLD). Isn't that even sadder? I've lived in the one place my whole life and the furtherest away I have been from home was the Canberra trip in year 7. :'( How depressing........I'm over it. Let me there anything else I can say??? Um..... nah. I'll leave you with a peice of very important advice that I think you should take heed of: Never let you poo, get on your shoe............remember that and you will be set for life. :D Ciao!!!

Spazzy Jazzy